Best Social Media Practices in 2024

Adhering to these best practices in 2024 will help you navigate the complex social media landscape effectively. By understanding ...

Social Media
Mar 27, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, staying atop the latest best practices is crucial for businesses aiming to leverage these platforms effectively. As we navigate through 2024, the digital sphere continues to expand, introducing new trends, algorithms, and user preferences. This guide distills essential social media best practices, drawing from industry insights and forward-thinking strategies to help you engage your audience, boost your brand's online presence, and achieve your digital marketing goals.

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding who your audience is, where they spend their time online, and what content they prefer is foundational to any social media strategy. Use social media analytics tools to gather data on your followers' demographics, interests, and online behaviors. This information enables you to create content that resonates, choose the right platforms for your campaigns, and post at times when your audience is most active.

Every social marketing team should be able to answer the following basic questions:

  • Who are your customers?
  • Where do they hang out online (and in real life)?
  • What do they care about?
  • Do they already know you?
  • What do they think of you? Is it what you want them to think?
  • What are their interests?
  • What types of content are they most likely to enjoy and engage with?
  • What stage(s) of life do they generally fall into?
  • What language(s) do they speak?
  • What are their buying habits, especially online?

To-do list:

  • Analyze your CRM to build a profile of your existing customers.
  • Add UTM parameters to all social links to bring more useful data into Google Analytics.
  • Use social analytics to identify demographics of your existing social audience.
  • Build audience personas.

2. Set Clear Objectives

Every post, tweet, or update should serve a purpose. Define clear, measurable objectives for your social media activities, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting customer engagement. Use the SMART goal framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure your objectives are clear and attainable.

From the brand perspective, you also need to consider:

  • Does our team have the bandwidth to create relevant content for this platform?
  • Does the purpose of this platform fit our brand?
  • What is the current ROI of our efforts on this platform?

If the platform is not a fit for your audience and your brand, you don’t need to be active there.

change in platform use for businesses from 2022 to 2023

To do list:

  • Perform a social media audit to get the full picture of your current social media commitments and results.
  • Secure usernames for any platforms where you don’t have one. You don’t ever have to use them! But having them means no one else can take them.
  • Perform an ROI calculation for each platform. Use our free social media ROI calculator tool or the detailed ROI reports available in Hootsuite Advanced Analytics.

3. Craft Quality Content

Content is king in the digital domain. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that adds value to your audience. Mix up your content types – including images, videos, infographics, and blogs – to keep your feed dynamic and interesting. Storytelling can be a powerful tool to connect with your audience emotionally, share your brand's message, and differentiate from competitors.

To-do list:

  • Test different content formats. Note that this year we’re predicting text posts and 2-5 minute videos to provide great results, so it’s worth adding them to your testing plan.
  • Survey your audience to ask them what they want.
  • Set up analytics tools to measure your testing results.
  • Experiment with posting content on different days and times.

4. Engage Authentically

Social media is a two-way street. Beyond posting content, engage with your audience through comments, messages, and social listening. Responding promptly to inquiries and feedback builds trust and fosters a sense of community around your brand. Authentic engagement also involves joining broader conversations relevant to your industry or niche, positioning your brand as an active, attentive participant in the digital dialogue.

Brand guidelines cover things like:

  • Favorite or favourite?
  • Which hashtags will you use?
  • Brand colors

Your social media policy, on the other hand, provides structure for your employees on what topics may be off limits to post about when representing your company — even on their personal accounts. This eliminates confusion, encourages employees to share positive content, and establishes clear consequences for violating terms, which can save you from legal and PR troubles down the road.

5. Leverage Analytics

To understand what's working and where there's room for improvement, regularly review your social media analytics. Track engagement rates, follower growth, website traffic from social media, and the performance of specific campaigns. Analytics provide actionable insights that can inform strategy adjustments, content optimization, and better targeting.

To-do list:

  • Check out the latest updates on the algorithms and review them against your current content strategy.
  • Mine your audience research for educational content ideas to boost your results in social search.

6. Stay Updated with Social Media Trends

Social media is dynamic, with new platforms, features, and user preferences emerging regularly. Stay informed about the latest trends and adapt your strategy accordingly. Experiment with new content formats, explore emerging platforms, and test innovative engagement tactics to keep your brand relevant and interesting to your audience.

7. Prioritize User Privacy and Data Security

In the digital age, respecting user privacy and ensuring data security are paramount. Be transparent about how you collect and use data, adhere to privacy regulations, and protect your social media accounts from unauthorized access to maintain your audience's trust and safeguard your brand's reputation.

Conclusion: Navigating the Social Media Landscape

Adhering to these best practices in 2024 will help you navigate the complex social media landscape effectively. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, creating quality content, engaging authentically, leveraging analytics, staying on top of trends, and prioritizing privacy, your brand can build a strong, engaging, and dynamic online presence.

In need of a strategic partner to guide your social media journey? MAD Social Agency offers expert social media management services tailored to your brand's unique needs and objectives. Contact us today to learn how we can help elevate your social media strategy and transform your digital presence into a powerful asset for your business.

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